Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Look

As our home is ever changing, so is our blog! This beautiful new background and title header was created by Melinda at Simply Chic Graphics
Thanks Melinda!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sewage you say?

So I'm trying to pick out fabric for drapes in our bedroom. These are the two I'm contemplating at the moment but they may change at the drop of a hat. Both are by Amy Butler
sky / tree peony

sand / tree peony

What do you think? I guess you'll have to go back and check out my bedroom blogs again!

In the meantime, I have catnip sprouting on the wire rack on my porch, and potatoes bidding out of my pot by the hose.

My parents bought me the coolest hammock EVER for my birthday! Of course it's been raining nonstop since then so I haven't hardly used the thing yet. But am sooo looking forward to hanging out there under the trees with a book and a cocktail!

Our next project is going to be our shed. It needs to be resided and reroofed. I suggested we move the window slightly left and put a real door on the right to make it prettier, instead of the barn doors that are on the back side. My husband quickly declined saying, " I am not reframing the entire shed." :-P Oh well, a girl can dream can't she? Can't you just see a little white window box with vining flowers under a window and a pretty little shed door? sigh

The biggest event in our life right now is happening here. Remember when we started having plumbing issues on the back bathroom a couple months ago? Well we had found out that bathroom was on a septic tank they had never taken out! And you guessed it. It's full.

I'll skip the part where I tell you about the raw sewage that pumped itself up into the shower stall and toilet and get right to the part where we have to dig a trench through our garage, down the driveway, and angle to the pipe the rest of our house connects to the sewer.
Here's what my garage looks like currently. Good ol Roto Rooter. They are actually a couple of really great guys who have been incredible during the whole process. I am very impressed. They left their teeny tiny tractor behind and I almost took it for a joyride.

The guy was telling me it was hard to feel masculine on a tiny tractor. I said aww it's soooo cute! He grimaced. I just realized I should totally have stolen it to level out that giant bump we have in the front yard.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

What a glorious week it's been! While my hubby was out of town on work, my giant baby brother came to stay for an entire week.
We adopted a new dog. Her name is Rosie. She's 5 years old, part Australian Shepherd, part Border Collie. And the sweetest girl in the world.

Well, Gizmo is pretty sweet too.

And Charlie makes 3! Isn't it really the perfect number?

My sister and brother in law found a free piano, and helped my dad and brother load it and deliver it to my house! It's out of tune, but the smile on my baby girls face says it all. It's a keeper! After a lot of lysol and scrubbing it's actually in pretty good condition! We've been joking about putting a jar for donations on top, and then playing out of tune until people contribute :P

I'm not sure if anybody remembers what the patio looked like a week ago.. but it was gruesome. We found so much old rotting lumber and debris all over the property, and we had piled it up so it could dry out and possibly burned, or gradually disposed of in the yard debris bin.

Well, my dad came over, and together he and my baby brother cleaned it all up and helped dispose of a great deal of it.

They even hung a tire swing for baby girl.

Isn't it lovely?

The next day we had a garden party for my birthday.

Aren't the flower's lovely? My mom and stepdad brought them and provided this wonderful spread of yummy food!

She's gorgeous isn't she?

And he came home. Which made my birthday the best one I've ever had.

I even got serenaded.

I am so happy we've finally gotten to the point where the yard is clean, mowed, beautiful, and.... look forward to pics of the hammock my stepdad ordered as a birthday present! I can't wait to set it up!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Did you know that if you have state food benefits you can purchase vegetable and herb starts for your garden? We didn't? Now we aren't on food benefits, but my Sister in law is. So we went to Fred Meyer yesterday and bought a ton of veggies and I bought flowers. And I spent the evening digging in the garden! I still have a lot of de-grassing to do before the planter boxes are perfect, but I'm happier and happier every day! I have started a lot of veggies from seeds also





Baby Zuccini

Spinach, Broccoli, Carrots, Tomatoes and Peas

Mistress Heather, Quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With Lilly Bells,
and Pretty Smells,
And Dahlias all in a row.

I also planted Rhubarb, Strawberries, and Walla Walla onions in the front. Oh, and I started peppermint in a pot. Then from seed we're also waiting on canteloupe, watermelons, lots and lots of herbs and more flowers! My peonies are about to explode, my lilacs are in full bloom along with my deep blue and almost black irises. I'm in garden heaven!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bathroom updates.

My last post showed you the beginning of the bathroom tile. Let me fill you in on what went down last night.
Here's where he left off the day before.

Yahoo! He finished putting up all the cuts.

Went on to grout. I sponged the grout, but there are no photos of that because I was doing it in my nightie at midnight.

And the finished product is beautiful!

After the grout dried it turned the perfect sandy shade. The bag says to let dry for 72 hours, then we'll apply a sealant. AND I'LL HAVE MY SHOWER!!!!!!

Isn't my husband amazing?
Here's a little before and after action.
Before. Note the oh so 70's accent tiles.

After! I promise I'll post another one once the hardware is up :)
