We also found this great cook top which was originally $1699 for $594.43!!!
It was sooo weird that they both came to the same price but we certainly didn't mind!
We also spotted a great mini fridge in the sale pile that was originally $199 and we payed $60. Ahhh, what a successful shopping trip. We have picked out the oven and refrigerator and are going to price them at Standard TV and Appliance. The Sears salesman said if we find a better price to come back and he'll knock 10% off of their price!
These are some of the old appliances.
After shopping I had some time to start priming the terrible orange entryway. Somebody had taken sponges and popped on green and red texture. I can't wait until it's a nice latte color.
Woo hoo on the appliances!!! I LOVE this blog...can't wait to watch the house transform! Woo hoo!!!